Let’s See if We’re a Good Team

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Not every editor is the right editor for every writer. Send me your first chapter (or your first ten pages) and I’ll send you a developmental and substantive edit overview for free so you can get a feel for the kind of feedback you can expect from me.

Email your pages in a Word document to sample (at) veronicajorden (dot) com. Be sure to include your genre, title, and word count of your book.

First-Three Chapter Technique Assessment


For many writers, the ideas flow like Niagara Falls, but implementing effective storytelling techniques and writing mechanics can prove challenging. This technique assessment will focus on the mechanics of good storytelling. It will highlight your strengths and then identify issues with point of view, dialogue, tense, grammar, voice, sensory descriptions, and more. Assessment results are accompanied by reference sheets, writing exercises, and resources to help you learn and improve your storytelling technique.

Developmental Overview


You’ve finished your first draft and a few rounds of self-revision, but you feel like something is missing or you need direction for further revision. A Developmental Overview (aka Manuscript Evaluation) will focus on all the big picture things. Is the plot engaging? Do your characters resonate? Are there any major structural issues? Is the story compelling? Does your dialogue feel authentic? Does your hook grab the reader? Are there any unresolved plot holes? This overview highlights your strengths, identifies technique issues and provides resources for study, and includes specific ideas and suggestions for revision. This overview will give you the honest, constructive, actionable feedback you need to maximize your revision efforts.

Collaborative Developmental Edit

Rate: $.015 – $.03 per word

Developmental editing is essentially the baking of your book. It’s an evaluation of the quality and quantity of your story’s ingredients – plot, characters, hook, conflict, rising action, climax, and structure. A Collaborative Developmental Edit will identify weaknesses in your story, highlight your strengths, and identify structural and technique inconsistencies and deficiencies. Feedback will include an overview plus a plan for revisions, along with specific suggestions within the manuscript and resources for additional study. A collaborative developmental edit helps you revise your book into the best version of itself and makes you a better writer, all at the same time.

Substantive Edit

Rate: $.02 per word

Once the structure, voice, and plot are baked into your book, it’s time to fill and frost it…or in other words, to focus on the language of your story. A substantive edit is a line-by-line edit that focuses on use of language, sentence variation, pacing, voice, transitions and dialogue. This feedback includes extensive in-manuscript notes, suggested rewrites, and a summary overview.

Ready to get started? Feel free to send your first ten pages to sample@ veronicajorden.com along with the service you are interested in.

Or tell me more about your project using the form below.